Friday, February 09, 2007

It's all about perspective... ?

Mrs. Levy was talking to her neighbor. "Oy, my daughter-in-law is just so lazy! She sleeps until after ten o'clock every single morning! My poor son, who wakes up at the crack of dawn has to make his own breakfast. The house she won't clean; she made my son get her a maid so she wouldn't have to lift a finger. Then, when he comes home after a long, hard day at work, he has to make dinner because she can't be bothered even with that!"

The neighbor sighs and asks, "Nu... and how is your daughter?"

"Oh, now my daughter has an absolute gem of a husband. He insists she pamper herself by sleeping late in the morning and he hired help so she shouldn't have to work so hard. He even comes home from work and tells her to relax while he takes care of dinner!"

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