Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reb Moshe Leib Sassover...........

Reb Moshe Leib Sassover was known for the tremendous love and kindness he constantly expressed for his fellow Jews. There was a constant stream of Jews who came to him to ask for a word of advice or a blessing. One day a poor women appeared at his door. As soon as she was admitted to his rooms she began. "I beg you, Rebbe," she pleaded, "give me a blessing for my daughter who is very sick." Reb Moshe Leib responded with the blessing, "May G-d send her a complete and speedy recovery."

But this blessing was not sufficient for the distraught mother. "No, Rebbe, you must swear to me on your share in the World to Come that G'd will cure my child." Without hesitation, Reb Moshe Leib replied, "I swear on my portion in the next world that G'd will cure her and she will recover." When she heard these words, the women thanked the Rebbe and left with a light heart.

Reb Moshe Leib's students who had observed the entire incident were astounded. They asked him, "Rebbe, how could you have made such a promise? The girl is seriously ill, and it is very possible she may not survive." "What else could I have done?" replied Reb Moshe Leib. "The tears of a Jewish mother are more precious to me than the entire World to Come. If my swearing on my future reward in the World of Truth was necessary to stop her from crying, then it is more than worth it to me, even if it will cost me my portion in the next world.

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