Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What is a Lakewood bochour looking for in a girl?

Got this in a email. Is this the true attitude there?

A shadchen asked the 'best bochur in Lakewood' what he was looking for in a girl. After some thought, the bochur replied. "I was driving down the Garden State Parkway last week when I noticed what seemed to be a heimishe woman trying to change a flat tire. I felt bad that she was obviously by herself and made a u-turn, figuring I would check it out for sure by driving by slowly this time. Sure enough she was heimish and I helped her change the tire. After I was done and about to drop the spare in the trunk, she put her finger to her lips and whispered,

"Please don't slam the trunk. I don't want to wake up my husband - he's sleeping in the back seat..."

The bochur smiled at the shadchen and said, "That's what I'm looking for in a girl!"

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