Monday, March 21, 2005

Shidduch Club discussions about people from Tanach:

The following was created to be humorous (here and sultanknish). It does speak volumes about how people truly think. IMHO, this is light, compared to what I have seen and heard.

Shidduch Club discussions about people from Tanach:

Avraham - he seems to be frum but really he's a BT and his father made idols, not our kind...

Yitzchak - well his grandfather made idols, there was all that nastiness with Lot and his half brother is an arab..

Yosef - His mother had an idol once and she died early, plus he's a slave and his brothers don't like him, must be something in that..

Moshe - His parents separated, then they got back together, his parents abandoned him, put him in a basket, he was raised by goyim... not our kind for sure.

King David - Descended from a convert, not our kind of people. Sure a few generations have gone by but all things being equal shouldn't we look for someone with a more 'jewish' background?

Shlomo - See above, also his mother's marriage was very dubious, he is rich though, but the yichus and family background is very tricky.

1 comment:

Daniel Greenfield said...

this comes from me, via and my blog