Wednesday, December 05, 2007

“You know me, You already turned me down” (No longer in BMG, Had to go to work).

Out Of The Mailbag - To YW Editor (Crying For The Older Bochrim)
December 5, 2007
Dear Yeshivaworld,

I am writing as do many others, for the sole purpose of “venting”.

We read on a weekly basis in the Yated about the sad plight of older single girls who supposedly cry themselves to sleep at night because nobody wants them.

I feel it’s about time the older single guys such as myself get our chance.

Why don’t they realize that they haven’t just graduated seminary? As 20 year-olds they had a right to be picky. They were probably too picky and turned down their best chances. I recommend reading the new “Mountain Climbers” book. There are two stories about girls who didn’t necessarily get what the wanted, THEY MADE IT WORK! That’s all it takes.

Remember, the only person who thinks just like you, has the same opinions as you, and wants the same exact things that you do, is the person you see in the mirror on a daily basis. She has everything backwards!


“You know me, You already turned me down” (No longer in BMG, Had to go to work).

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