Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'll know I'm a success when.....

How is it that having a great marriage is usually not called "success" ? Is it possible that it is unattainable? Is it because it is just too much "work"? Is it ignorance? Is it that most do not see any happy marriages?

Is this proof that "success" is a product of the "me" syndrome?

IMHO, it is attainable and it takes a lot work. In fact, every day is a new beginning of balancing giving and taking. Most people are not educated how to do that; therefore, we see few happy marriages.

I propose, as many others do, that before one sets out to date to get married they should take advice and education on how to. Then we will see marriage as being one of the successful endeavors.

1 comment:

sawuatsinai said...

scwitt: do u have any specific questions? u can either email me or ask them here.

1st thing; know why u r getting married!!